Mlion Corporation introduced its innovative steel solutions to Region 8, Leyte. Our team demonstrated sheet...

Mlion Corporation introduced its innovative steel solutions to Region 8, Leyte. Our team demonstrated sheet...
Mlion Corporation supplied Type 4 Sheet Piles for PUB's Improvement to Bukit Timah Canal project. Mlion Corporation...
MHZ Pile Supply and Pile Driving for Casino Project in Manila Mlion Corporation worked closely with owners and...
Taguig River Protection using MMU 5-2 Sheet Piles. Mer Lion Metals supplied through its associated...
Sheet Pile Driving of Hat Type NSP 25H in comparison to commonly used Type 4. Mer Lion Metals was privileged to be...
June 2017 Newsletter. Philconstruct Cebu 2017 Thank you very much for all who stopped by our PhilConstruct Cebu...
MMU 13-6 Sheet Piles for Tacloban Storm Surge Project for DPWH Philippines. Mer Lion Metals Pte Ltd and through...
Ever wondered how we can better value engineer your foundation solutions? Come and learn at our Seminars which we have...
Mer Lion Metals Pte Ltd is pleased to announce that GEO5 2016 Software by Fine Software Europe will be including MMU...
We are pleased to provide a further update to the Dry Bulk Terminal Project in Mariveles as of End Nov 2015. See...
Mer Lion Metals is currently keeping stocks of Sheet Piles and Steel Sections (Wide Flanged Beams, Channels, Plates,...