Rail Welding and Installation at Oro Cement Davao. Mlion Corporation completed 432m of installation and rail...

Rail Welding and Installation at Oro Cement Davao. Mlion Corporation completed 432m of installation and rail...
Completion of delivery for MICT Berth 7 in 1H 2019. Mlion Corporation Pte Ltd in 2019 worked with Main...
Supply of 27,000 Tons of Coils for Philippines largest bulk water supply project. Mlion Corporation has successfully...
Spiral Welded Steel Pipes delivered for Cebu Port Upgrading. https://youtu.be/XBFREKjU7uA Mer Lion Metals delivered...
Taguig River Protection using MMU 5-2 Sheet Piles. Mer Lion Metals supplied through its associated...
Sheet Pile Driving of Hat Type NSP 25H in comparison to commonly used Type 4. Mer Lion Metals was privileged to be...
June 2017 Newsletter. Philconstruct Cebu 2017 Thank you very much for all who stopped by our PhilConstruct Cebu...
MMU 13-6 Sheet Piles for Tacloban Storm Surge Project for DPWH Philippines. Mer Lion Metals Pte Ltd and through...
Delivery of long length pipes for Tacloban Phase 4 Upgrading project. Mer Lion Metals Pte Ltd is pleased to...
LTA Projects we supplied using Steel Pipe Roofing solutions. Mer Lion Metals have successfully secured and...
Interlocking Steel Pipes used in Pipe Roofs are common for excavation involving minimal disruption to major services...